Cellutone addresses cellulite and stretch marks by targeting the problem areas with customized soundwaves. These waves of energy create micro-busts of pressure that stimulate circulation and induce changes in the tissue. Let us help you with your cellulite reduction in Palm Springs to achieve a smooth and sculpted figure.
Will I Benefit From Cellutone?
If you are unhappy to be living with visible stretch marks and cellulite, are 18 years of age or older, and are in good health, you are likely a good candidate for a Cellutone treatment. Cellulite reduction in Palm Springs with Cellutone treatments can be the ideal approach for women who tend to suffer the most from cellulite, in many cases middle-aged women whose metabolism has slowed over the years, or younger women who suffer from the unsightly dimples of cellulite. Our clients love the results of this groundbreaking treatment!